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Seabreeze Village

Frequently Asked Questions

* What is the title?
You own the home and lease the land from the village.

*Did you know?????
That when you purchase a home at Seabreeze there is NO stamp duty! Also if the home is purchased through Seabreeze management, there are no conveyancing costs or solicitors fees! THERE ARE NO ENTRY OR EXIT FEES APPLICABLE.

* What does the site fee cost each week?
Site fees are currently $165 per week.

* What other charges are there?
All services are separately metered. Electricity and telephone are paid direct to the supplier and gas and water are paid to Village management. Public Liability is compulsory and is included when you purchase home insurance.

* Rental Assistance?
Anyone claiming a benefit from Centrelink may be eligible for a rental assistance rebate.

* Are family and visitors allowed to stay with me?
YES! It is your home.

* Are pets allowed?
Pets are restricted to birds in a cage or fish ONLY.

* What protection does a resident have against loss of rights if the Village is sold to another organisation?
All agreements entered into are between you, the current owners and the Village; these agreements (by law) must be honoured by any future purchaser.

* Who is responsible for the maintenance of my home?
Your responsibilities are to maintain the interior and exterior of your home and the landscaping of your site, the Village management will look after the common grounds.

* Can I still have Meals on Wheels and other Services if I require them?
Yes definitely and Home Care as well if necessary.

  • Car parking?

Residents have their own carports and there is visitors parking areas throughout the Village.

  • Do you have a hall & social activities?

Oh YES! Our community hall is well equipped with a library, darts, table tennis, and a whole range of other wonderful activities and social events.

* Public transport?
There is a public bus stop at the front door of the Village, Courtesy Club buses pick up and drop off regularly, Community Transport Aid and Taxis frequent the Village.

Welcome to Seabreeze

Finding your way home